Reports, Briefs, and Articles

Project Play

Project Play is an initiative of the Aspen Institute’s Sports & Society Program that develops, shares and mobilizes knowledge that helps build healthy communities through sports.

I was contracted to design an overview publication of  the governance structure of the world’s leading national sports systems. Each country has a very different (and often convoluted) sports governance structure. I had the fun challenge of translating each of these systems into understandable flow charts.


The National Council on Teacher Quality is a research and policy organization that collects data and makes recommendations to help ensure that every child has an effective teacher and that every teacher has the opportunity to be effective.

I have designed a number of reports and papers for NCTQ, including several reports that needed a separate iteration for each of the US states and districts they collected data for. I created templates for these reports in Adobe InDesign, and used its Data Merge functionality to use spreadsheet data to generate up to 51 separate reports from a single template document.

Here are some samples of the reports I have designed.

Home Grown

Home Grown is a national collaborative of funders committed to improving the quality of and access to home-based child care.

I have designed several articles and reports for Home Grown. Below are some examples.

I have designed a number of reports, briefs, articles, and other data-driven publications for various nonprofit organizations. Here is some of my work for Project Play, the National Council of Teacher Quality, and Home Grown.